Saturday, July 16, 2016

Dear Readers,

     We've reached the launch date for my flight of poetry. In two days, I'm beginning the Tupelo 30/30 project. And I'm nervous.

      But I’ve always told myself that once a year I should do something scary—so over the years I’ve traveled in Italy, moved to NH in a hard winter, learned something new, left something behind. The 30/30 is my scary something for the year 2016. 

        As some of you know, he project is also a fund raiser for Tupelo a great small press, given to producing beautiful books, both prose and poetry. If you'd like to you can donate to them in my name hereBut even if donating's not for you, I hope you will follow my progress on the Tupelo 30/30 page here.

          I’ll also be posting daily progress reports and a few sobs of anguish right here. Come and visit if you can.  Thank you for your support and your willingness to help me scare myself.