Monday, August 1, 2016

Dear Readers,

The inspiration for today's poem came from my niece Arlene Morrison. She asked if I'd write a poem about the day she and John got married (nineteen years ago tomorrow), and then the two of us had a lot of fun sparking each others memory. It was a beautiful wedding, outdoors, with a view of Long Island Sound, and these two fine people exchanging vows.

Here's an excerpt from "On August 2, 1997":

They joined hands and claimed each other.
And afterwards there were long hugs
from those of us who know
how the Atlantic goes on—
blue for a day, gray at its heart—
and then the new husband and wife
dancing just for practice in the parking lot
and after that the ring dance and the calla lilies flying.

Read the rest of the poem and the work of my fellow 30/30 poets here

And think about ordering a poem from me. Prices are reasonable. Returns accepted. Donate here, and leave your request in the comment section. Give me a group of words, a title, a link to a picture or your birth date. I'm dying for some prompts here. 

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